29 luglio 2006

EPF 2006: Schifflange (Lussemburgo)

A small town of about 8500 inhabitants situated at the very south of Luxembourg. It is one of the most ancient agglomerations of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. It is not only one of the oldest towns of the country and one of the smallest. Talking about the population, we count 35 % of foreigners coming from 39 nations.
For a long time the development of the town was very slow until it stopped definitely in 1742. Then, after the destruction of the church by Napoleon's soldiers, after a big fire in 1862, the started to grow step by step because of the systematic exploration of the iron are and the construction of blast furnaces.
Finally, in 1875 a petition counting a 1000 signature address to the parliament gave Schifflange the title of "Indipendent town". Unfortunately the e world wars provoked a stop in the town's developed. With the end of the war a new economic boost started and Schifflange thanks to her legendary industrious population, soon became a flourishing commercial and industrial center, open to everything and everyone.

1 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

"Als CPA hunn ech Clienten dem Här Pedro a seng Prêtfirma fir vill Jore mat super Resultater bezeechent. Ech hat viru kuerzem d'Geleeënheet him fir mäin Hausprêt ze benotzen, an elo weess ech firwat meng Clienten ëmmer begeeschtert waren!Hien ass grëndlech, fristgerecht, perséinlëch an am wichtegsten kennt. Ech wäert bestëmmt nach laang op hien bezéien . Fir jiddereen deen no engem Prêt sicht, kontaktéiert w.e.g. den Här Pedro, den Här Pedro ass e Prêtoffizéier deen mat renomméierte Prêtfirmen schafft, déi prett sinn all Zort vu Projet ze finanzéieren soulaang Dir gewëllt sidd e Remboursement ze maachen wéi versprach.

Hei ass den Här Pedro E-Mail Kontakt ” pedroloanss@gmail.com